CHE 4953: Chemical Writing (Aguilar)

Accessing SciFinder

SciFinder Web allows you to search Chemical Abstracts, REGISTRY, and CASREACT. You can search a variety of ways: by topic, author, chemical structure, and chemical identification term.

Click on the link below to access SciFinder Web. 

The first time you try to access SciFinder Web, you will need to create an account, so click on the Register Now button and go through the registration process.  NOTE: You must use your UTSA email address ( to register for SciFinder Web!

You will receive an email with a link that you must click within 48 hours to complete your registration.

When you return to SciFinder Web, you will need to choose the icon on the bottom to Sign in.

Each time you log in, you will get prompted to accept the SciFinder Web License Agreement.