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- ART 1213/1143: Drawing I: Evaluating Images
ART 1213/1143: Drawing I: Evaluating Images
A guide to evaluating images
In this video we look at two images of a work by Leonardo da Vinci to evaluate which is the better quality image. The images are also included in the box below for your reference. Video length: 12 minutes, 42 seconds. Click "Watch in Panopto" and view in full screen for the best video quality.
Small thumbnails of the two images of da Vinci's Head of a Young Woman discussed in the video are provided here for your reference. Consider the full screen view of the images in the video (not these small thumbnails) when answering the following questions.
Which image is the better quality image? A or B? A is the first image, B is the second image. (By “better quality,” we mean the image that is the closest reproduction of the artist’s original work if we could see it in person at the museum or gallery where it "lives." We are not discussing personal preferences.)
What criteria did you use to evaluate the images, or in other words, what is it that makes one better than the other? Remember to incorporate some of your art vocabulary as you think about this.
Leonardo da Vinci. Head of a Young Woman. 1475-1480. Metalpoint, pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash, highlighted with white gouache, 281 x 199 mm. Gabinetto disegni e stampe degli Uffizi, Florence.