Open Access

General information about open access publishing and UTSA Libraries' support for open access

UTSA Support for Open Access

UTSA Libraries actively supports researchers who make their scholarship available without a paywall through open access journals, books, and more. We proactively seek partnerships with publishers that will reduce open access costs for authors, including discounts or waivers on Article Processing Charges (APCs). UTSA does not have an open access mandate for faculty at this time.

UTSA Memberships and Publisher Open Access Agreements

UTSA Libraries continuously seeks partnerships with organizations and publishers to reduce costs and provide value for our researchers. Below is a list of our current memberships and open access agreements with publishers. For more information on the benefits of a specific membership, reach out to your subject librarian.

Publisher and Open Access Agreements

The library does not currently fund Article Processing Charges (APCs) but encourages UTSA researchers to take advantage of these APC discounts we have negotiated with publishers.

Publisher Discount
ACM Open (Association for Computing Machinery) 100% APC waiver
BioMed Central 15% discount on APCs
Cambridge University Press 100% APC waiver
Elsevier 10% or 15% discount on APCs, depending on the journal
IOP (Institute of Physics) 100% APC waiver
MDPI 10% discount on APCs

100% APC waiver on 7 PLOS journals

  • Pathogens
  • Genetics
  • Digital Health
  • Computational Biology
  • Neglected Tropical Diseases
  • Complex Systems
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 100% APC waiver
Sage 100% APC waiver
Springer Open 15% discount on APCs
Wiley 100% APC waiver on Hybrid journals


What are Transformative Agreements?

Transformative agreements are those contracts negotiated between institutions (libraries, national and regional consortia) and publishers that transform the business model underlying scholarly journal publishing, moving from one based on toll access (subscription) to one in which publishers are remunerated a fair price for their open access publishing services. (Efficiency and Standards for Article Charges, ESAC)

Transformative agreements can also be known as "read-and-publish" or "publish-and-read" deals. The exact terms of the agreements vary depending on the institution and publisher, though they tend to focus on the following principles: (Transformative Agreements: A Primer)

  • Costs- Libraries seek to shift from paying for subscriptions to paying for publishing and to reduce unsustainable price increases for subscriptions
  • Copyright- Transformative agreements often require that authors maintain their copyright instead of transferring it to the publisher. This is often accomplished by applying a Creative Commons license to the work
  • Transparency- Organizations often insist that the terms of any such transformative agreement be made publicly available, though this is often just the key components of the deal and not the entire agreement
  • Transitional- By definition, transformative agreements are transitional in that their goal is a permanent shift to open access and the end of subscription-based publishing

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