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- Mexican Cookbooks
Mexican Cookbooks
Special Collections Librarian
UTSA's E-Cookbook Series
- Recetas: Cooking in the Time of CoronavirusUTSA Libraries Special Collections present a selection of recipes from the Mexican Cookbook Collection, the largest in the nation. From soups and stews to salsas and sweets, these dishes are sure to inspire and ignite culinary exploration among those staying at home.
Other Notable Mexican Cookbook Collections
- American Institute of Wine & Food Culinary CollectionThis collection is housed at the University of California San Diego and contains more than 900 Mexican cookbooks dating back to the 18th century. More than 100 of these titles have been digitized.
- Fundación Herdez, A.C. Biblioteca de la Gastronomía MexicanaA culinary collection comprised of more than 7,200 volumes located in Mexico City. The earliest titles date back to the 18th century.
- The Hispanic Society Museum and LibraryThe research library includes a selection of more than 900 Spanish and Hispanic cookbooks dating back to 1503.
About The Collection
UTSA Special Collections is home to the largest collection of Mexican cookbooks in the nation. The Mexican Cookbook Collection includes titles in English and Spanish documenting the variety and history of Mexican cuisine from 1789 to the present, with most books dating from 1940-2000. In addition to broad general coverage, the collection includes concentrations in the areas of:
- regional cooking
- healthy and vegetarian recipes
- corporate advertising cookbooks
- manuscript recipe books.
The core of the collection consists of more than 500 books donated by San Antonio resident Laurie Gruenbeck in 2001. Gruenbeck acquired the cookbooks during her travels in Texas and Mexico over 30 years. Recent additions include UTSA's 2019 acquisition of 11 rare 19th-century Mexican cookbooks from British-Mexican ethno-gastronomer Diana Kennedy as well as the cookbook author's manuscript research collection and the rest of her personal research library. The collection continues to grow through purchases and gifts.
- A Guide to the Diana Kennedy PapersCollection guide for Diana Kennedy manuscript research collection.
How To Access The Collection
UTSA's Special Collections are open to all researchers. UTSA affiliation is not required, but we do ask all researchers to provide a photo ID prior to using our materials. Special Collections materials do not circulate, so materials must be accessed in our Reading Room on the 4th floor of the John Peace Library.
Please contact us to make an appointment.
To view a complete list of the collection in the Library Catalog, conduct a search for "Mexican Cookbook Collection".
For our digitized Mexican cookbooks, visit our Digital Collections.
Culinary Origins
Historia universal de las cosas de Nueva España: codice laurenziano mediceo palatino, 218, 219, 220 by Bernardino de Sahagún
Call Number: Folio F1219 .S1384 1996This work, also known as the Florentine Codex, mentions Aztec preparations of crab tamales in green chile sauce, lobster with tomato sauce, and drinking chocolate.Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España by Bernal Díaz del Castillo
Call Number: John Peace Collection F1230 .D537 1837Documented the Mexicas' typical meals at Moctezuma's table that are still reflected in contemporary Mexican cuisine.
Historic Cookbooks
Cuaderno de Cosina de Doña Ignacita del [mazo] Belarde Calderón de la Barca q.e se acabo el viernes dando las 8 de la noche, A.D. 1789
Call Number: TX716.A1 C83 1789Oldest cookbook in the Mexican Cookbook Collection.
18th century manuscript cookbook written in ink of Latin American recipes containing main courses, sides, and desserts that include: postre de calabacitas de negro, gaspacho, zopa de naranja, and potaje escondido.
Arte nuevo de cocina y repostería acomodado al uso mexicano.
Call Number: TX716.M4 A784 1828Publication Date: 1828Earliest known published cookbook on Mexican cuisine.
El cocinero mexicano, ó, Coleccion de las mejores recetas para guisar al estilo americano : y de las mas selectas segun el metodo de las cocinas española, italiana, francesa e inglesa
Call Number: TX716.M4 C615 1831Shares the title of "first cookbook published in Mexico".
Novisimo arte de cocina, ó, Escelente colección de las mejores recetas : para que al menor costo posible, y con la mayor comodidad, pueda guisarse á la española, francesa, italiana e inglesa : sin omitirse cosa alguna de lo hasta aquí
Call Number: TX716.M4 N685 1831Shares the title of "first cookbook published in Mexico".
La cocinera poblana y el libro de las familias : novísimo manual práctico de cocina española, francesa, inglesa y mexicana, higiene y economía doméstica : contiene mas de dos mil fórmulas de ejecución sencilla y fácil : tratados especiales de past
Call Number: TX716.M4 C635 1877Publication Date: 1877One of the earliest Mexican cookbooks to focus on a specific state/region. This book combines volume one and two.
Cocina michoacana by Vicenta Torres de Rubio
Call Number: TX716.M4 T67 1896First cookbook published by a Mexican woman.
La cocina en el bolsillo by Vanegas Arroyo, Antonio; Posada, José Guadalupe
Call Number: TX716.M4 C675Publication Date: 1890s-1910sPamphlet cookbook series published by Antonio Vanegas Arroyo. Notable for cover illustrations by José Guadalupe Posada and Manuel Manilla as well as being the earliest affordable cookbooks published in Mexico.
Manuscript Cookbooks
Manuscript cookbooks are unpublished, often handwritten cookbooks.
Libro de varios guisados, antes, y postres, que pertenece à Doña Maria Ramona Quixano y Contreras, vecina de la congregación de Silao by Quixano y Contreras, Maria Ramona
Call Number: TX716.M4 Q59 1808Publication Date: 1808Nueva España-era manuscript cookbook from Silao, Guanajuato featuring recipes for chicken ("gallinas"), various salsas, and salads.
Libor de gisados y repostería de Maria Guadalupe Reyes by Guadalupe Reyes, María
Call Number: TX716.M4 G833 1828Publication Date: 1828Early Mexican manuscript cookbook featuring recipes like totolmole oaxaqueño, a pre-Hispanic dish that was made in indigenous ceremonies as an offering to the deceased.
20th century Mexican cooking manuscript ... ojaldras
Call Number: TX773 .T84 1900zWritten in an exquisite hand and containing several charming illustrations, this manuscript cookbook contains dessert recipes that include: ojaldras, helado caliente, magdalenas, pan corriente, and more.
Recetas de cocina por mi profesor Sr. H. Winder by Paulina Morante
Call Number: TX716.M4 M66 1904Early 20th century manuscript cookbook handwritten in ink containing traditional Mexican recipes. There are also recipes for pescado huachinango fresco and turrón de ciruela pasa included in an inserted newspaper clipping. Includes index.
20th century Mexican cooking manuscripts / written by family of related women from Durango from before the Mexican revolution to shortly thereafter
Call Number: TX716.M4 T84 1907Early 20th century manuscript cookbooks written in ink and pencil by family of related women from Durango with different handwriting of traditional home recipes.
Corporate Cookbooks
Mexican cooking: the flavor of the 20th century: that real Mexican tang by Gebhardt Chili Powder Company
Call Number: TX716.M4 M49533 1911Very early edition of the first Mexican-American cookbook published in English. San Antonio-based Gebhardt published this little recipe booklet to help spread an understanding of Mexican-American cooking in order that they might grow demand for their products.Recetario Bimbo by Grupo Bimbo
Call Number: TX818 .R43Recipes for sandwiches and other dishes calling for Bimbo brand bread.Paces pantry prize recipes: from both sides of the border by Pace & Co.
Call Number: Small Size TX715.2.S68 P33Mexico: tierra del buen comer by Anderson, Clayton & Co.
Call Number: TX716.M4 M4956 1952Recipes incorporating the use of Inca brand grasa vegetal.
Celebrity Cookbooks
Manual práctico de cocina by Josefina Velázquez de León
Call Number: TX714 .V4534 1936The first book by Mexico's first TV chef.The cuisines of Mexico by Diana Kennedy
Call Number: TX716.M4 K46 1972First book published by the internationally-known ethno-gastronomer.Food from My Heart by Zarela Martinez
Call Number: TX716 .M4 M376 1992ISBN: 9780025804715Containing more than 200 recipes, this book is a chronicle of the development of Zarela Martinez's cooking, describes her childhood and the foods of her family, the influences of other regions when she went away to school, and continues up to when she opened her own restaurant, Zarela.La nueva cocina mexicana by Enrique Olvera
Call Number: TX716.M4 A493 2008Enrique Olvera is one of the most famous living chefs in Mexico. With more than 40 recipes, this book contains some of his most unique and revolutionary creations. From fish and shellfish to poultries and pastries, these will impress even your guests with the most demanding palates.Trejo's Tacos by Danny Trejo
Call Number: TX715.2.S69 T76 2020ISBN: 9781984826855Publication Date: 2020-04-21From the legendary actor and L.A restaurateur comes a cookbook featuring 75 badass recipes, from lowrider donuts and award-winning vegan cauliflower tacos to a sweet and spicy brisket inspired by Danny's mom's barbacoa.
Healthy/Vegetarian Cooking
La cocina vegetariana al alcance de todos
Call Number: TX837 .C63 1915Earliest vegetarian cookbook in the Mexican Cookbook Collection.La cocinera vegetariana: (alimentación para sanos y regímenes dietéticos para enfermos) : extenso recetario ilustrado y con notas by Antonio Blandina, Amado Nervo, & E. O. Aragón
Call Number: TX837 .B53 1920The second oldest vegetarian cookbook in the collection.- Cocina vegetariana de doña Adela by Romo de Escamilla, AdelaCall Number: TX837 .R66 1947Publication Date: 1947
Vegan Mexico by Jason Wyrick
Call Number: TX716.M4 W97 2016ISBN: 9781941252215The first cookbook of vegan regional Mexican recipes.Fiesta: Vegan Mexican Cookbook by Liz Garcia
Call Number: TX837 .G37 2017ISBN: 9781543131321Want to feel all the great benefits from the ketogenic diet? Here are some of the delicious recipes: queso toast, huevos mexicanas, classic breakfast burrito, sweet potato fajita rice, eggplant fajita bowl, chipotle ranch salad, tortilla soup, jalapeno grilled cheese, smoky potato enchiladas, and much more!
San Antonio Cookbooks
Recipes from the old masters by Mazie Simpson & Jo Ann Elson
Call Number: Folio Stacks TX715 .S581960s collection of recipes from Lackland Air Force Base.Temple Beth El classics of our kitchen
Call Number: TX715 .T45 1967Cook book by the Temple Beth El Sisterhood.San Antonio Mexican cookery by Benne G. Atkin
Call Number: TX716 .M4 A85 1977Recipes for the delicious Mexican foods we eat in San Antonio.
Mexican Spirits Collection
In 2017, Tom Christal donated photographs and ephemera related to Mexican spirits in memory of his friend Charles "Cho" Seifert. These materials formed the basis of the Mexican Spirits Collection in UTSA's Manuscript Archives.
- A Guide to the Mexican Spirits CollectionCollection guide for the Mexican Spirits Collection.
UTSA Special Collections holds dozens of rare materials on alcohol in Mexico in the Mexican Spirits Collections. A few examples can be found below.
- On the taxation of pulque & new currency : manuscript.Publication Date: 1786"This is a letter from the Count of Galvez regarding the taxation of pulque, the ancient fermented liquor made by the indigenous peoples of Mexico. Specifically, the letter states that when the alcabalas (excise tax) is collected on sales of pulque, those administering the tax need to adjust their accounting methods to separate the new and old forms of currency. It is probable that this was a method of removing the moneda antigua (the older currency) from circulation."--Bookseller's description.
- Representacion de los dueños de las haciendas y ranchos de pulque : en el estado de Mexico y de los comerciantes del ramo ante el Congreso de la Union, pidiendo la rebaja de los fietes del ferrocarril y la disminucion de la alcabala del pulque.Publication Date: 1868"The first edition of this plea by the farmers to the Mexican Congress to reduce the cost of freight and the rate of taxation of pulque, a traditional Mexican liquor. The farmers argue that all pulques are made equally, and that there is no superior pulque, as the ingredients remain the same no matter where the beverage is made. Furthermore, the current rates of taxation are too high for them to make a living. They, therefore, ask that the taxation on the drink be lowered and set at a rate which is the same for all farmers."--Ben Kinmont Bookseller.
Cocktails by Velázquez de León, Josefina
Call Number: TX951 .V453 1950zPublication Date: 1950sPreviously owned by a student of Josefina Velázquez de León.