French Language, Literature & Culture

Your guide to print and online sources for French language learning, easy reading and culture.

Key Databases for Literary Criticism

Print Encyclopedias & Criticism

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Anthologies of French Literature

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Literature of La Francophonie

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French Literature Online

Finding French Books in the Library

PN6745-6790  French comic books, graphic novels

PQ1-3999  French literature
PQ1-771  History and criticism
PQ1100-1297  Collections
PQ1100-1145  General
PQ1160-1193  Poetry
PQ1211-1241  Drama
PQ1243-1297  Prose
PQ1600-2726  Modern literature 

Individual authors:
PQ1600-1709  16th century
PQ1710-1935  17th century
PQ1947-2147  18th century
PQ2149-2551  19th century
PQ2600-2651  1900-1960
PQ2660-2686  1961-2000
PQ2700-2726  2001-

PQ3800-3999  Provincial, local, colonial, etc.

French Literary Prize Winners

Some popular French Literary Prizes:

Prix Goncourt
Prix Renaudot
Prix Femina
Prix Interallié
Prix Académie Française
Prix Médicis