Research Experience for Undergradutes

Learn how to find and evaluate sources and how to read, write, and present on scientific topics


The objective of the CONNECT Undergraduate Research Experience is to provide students a multi-disciplinary environment to learn the science, politics & policies, as well as the technology enabling advancements in nuclear security. UTSA is recruiting high caliber undergraduate students from minority serving institutions across the country in their junior and senior years. Participants will be matched, depending on their interests, to laboratories and working groups of CONNECT faculty researchers, where they will receive mentorship from faculty, post-docs, graduate students and senior undergraduate students. The goal is to train students to think outside the box, to believe in the possibilities of their ideas, and to actualize those ideas by equipping them with the conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills useful to a career in nuclear science.


The information presented in this guide will help with finding, evaluating, reading, writing, and presenting on scientific topics, key pieces of the scientific environment and communication with other researchers and the public at large.