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- ESL 6053: Program and Syllabus Design (Swoyer)
ESL 6053: Program and Syllabus Design (Swoyer)
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Print and E-books
Designing and Implementing Two-Way Bilingual Programs by Margarita Espino Calderon (Editor); Liliana Minaya-Rowe (Editor); Robert E. Slavin (Foreword by)
Call Number: JPL LC3731 .C29 2003ISBN: 0761945652Publication Date: 2003This indispensable handbook includes professional development plans that meet the specific needs of dual-language programs, strategies for building learning communities for dual-language teachers, and tips for involving parents.The Education of English Language Learners by Marilyn Shatz (Editor); Louise C. Wilkinson (Editor)
Call Number: E-book and DTL P118.2 .E36 2010ISBN: 9781606236611Publication Date: 2010This comprehensive volume describes evidence-based strategies for supporting English language learners (ELLs) by promoting meaningful communication and language use across the curriculum. Leading experts explain how and why learning is different for ELLs and pinpoint specific best practices for the classroom, illustrated with vivid examples. Particular attention is given to ways in which learning English is intertwined with learning the student's home language. The book addresses both assessment and instruction for typically developing ELLs and those with language disabilities and disorders.
Coteaching and Other Collaborative Practices in the EFL/ESL Classroom by Andrea Honigsfeld; Maria G. Dove
Call Number: E-bookISBN: 9781617356889Publication Date: 2012With this volume, the authors' goal is to offer an accessible resource, long-awaited by educators whose individual instructional practice and/or institutional paradigm shifted to a more collaborative approach to language education. Through this collection of chapters, we closely examine ESL/EFL co-teaching and other collaborative practices by (a) exploring the rationale for teacher collaboration to support ESL/EFL instruction, (b) presenting current, classroom-based, practitioner-oriented research studies and documentary accounts related to co-teaching, co-planning, co-assessing, curriculum alignment, teacher professional development, and additional collaborative practices, and (c) offering authentic teacher reflections and recommendations on collaboration and co-teaching. These three major themes are woven together throughout the entire volume, designed as a reference to both novice and experienced teachers in their endeavors to provide effective integrated, collaborative instruction for EFL or ESL learners. We also intend to help preservice and inservice ESL/EFL teachers, teacher educators, professional developers, ESL/EFL program directors, and administrators to find answers to critical questions.Inclusive Pedagogy for English Language Learners by Lorrie Stoops Verplaetse (Editor); Naomi Migliacci (Editor)
Call Number: JPL PE1128.A2 V47 2008ISBN: 9780805857191Publication Date: 2007In this Handbook leading researchers, teacher educators, and expert practitioners speak to current and future educators and educational leaders in understandable language about the research that informs best practices for English language learners integrated into the K-12 public school system. Responding to current state and federal mandates that require educators to link their practices to sound research results, it is designed to help educators to define, select, and defend realistic educational practices that include and serve well their English language learning student populations.
How to Reach and Teach English Language Learners by Rachel Carrillo Syrja
Call Number: JPL 3rd Floor PE1128.A2 S97 2011ISBN: 9780470767610Publication Date: 2011Practical, ready-to-use ELL strategies firmly rooted in the latest research This book provides practical strategies and tools for assessing and teaching even the most hard to reach English language learners across the content areas. Syrja offers educators the latest information on working with ELLs (including using formative assessments) and provides a wealth of classroom-tested models and measures.Integrating Writing Strategies in EFL/ESL University Contexts by Jennifer Lynn Craig
Call Number: e-Book and JPL 3rd floor PE1128.A2 C6945 2012ISBN: 9780415896702Publication Date: 2012Clearly explaining writing-across-the-curriculum (WAC) pedagogy for English language teachers in university settings, this book offers an accessible guide to integrating writing and speaking tasks across the curriculum and in disciplinary courses. Teachers will find this book useful because its direct, practical advice can be easily incorporated in their classrooms to help their students develop advanced disciplinary English skills in writing, oral presentation, and graphical presentation.Language Curriculum Design by I. S. P. Nation; John Macalister
Call Number: E-bookISBN: 9780203870730Publication Date: 2009Crystal-clear and comprehensive yet concise, this text describes the steps involved in the curriculum design process, elaborates and justifies these steps, and provides opportunities for practicing and applying them. The description of the steps is done at a general level so that they can be applied in a wide range of particular circumstances.Teacher Preparation for Bilingual Student Populations by Belinda Bustos Flores (Editor); Rosa Hernández Sheets (Editor); Ellen Riojas Clark (Editor)
Call Number: JPL and DTL: LC3728 .T425 2010ISBN: 9780415877398Publication Date: 2010The growing number of bilingual students in public schools coupled with a critical shortage of teachers specially prepared to serve this population calls for a critical examination of policies and practices in bilingual and ESL teacher preparation.
Curriculum Materials
The UTSA Libraries have collections of elementary and secondary state-adopted textbooks (both students and teacher editions) at both the Downtown and Main Campus libraries. We also have a nice selection of manipulatives for all subjects.
The best way to search for state adopted textbooks is to use our Library Quick Search Box and search using the terms "state adopted textbook" (complete with the quotation marks) and then the subject you need (for example, "state adopted textbook" english). Please note we do not have any state adopted textbooks newer than 2012.
All of these materials can be checked out. Please visit our page for the policies for checking out these great educational materials:
At the JPL, these materials are located in the Multimedia Media Collection (JPL 2.01.08). At the Downtown Campus, the Curriculum Materials are located near the Juvenile Literature section - all within the Buena Vista Street Building.