Banned Books Week - Freedom to Read

A guide about Banned Books Week for teachers, librarians, and those interested in intellectual freedom

ALA Banned Books Week (Oct. 1-7, 2023)

Welcome to Banned Books Week!

Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment. -- American Library Association's Bill of Rights

This guide was developed to provide information and resources for faculty and librarians. You will find within this guide that there is information geared for specific age groups. Primary through collegiate classes and libraries were the target for this guide. Each of the sources also contain information stating the most appropriate age group.

If you have any questions or comments about this LibGuide, please contact Rachel Cannady.

Vice News ("The Books Getting Banned from Schools")

"There have been at least 1,586 book bans in U.S. schools since last summer, the highest number in decades. VICE News dives into why the bans are happening, what books are getting pulled, and how some students are losing access to information about themselves." ~ James Hamilton (VICE News)