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- Theses and Dissertations
Theses and Dissertations
Current Requirements for UTSA Theses and Dissertations
As of the Fall 2023 semester, the UTSA Graduate School requires that all theses and dissertations are submitted electronically to both the ProQuest Theses and Dissertations database and the Runner Research Press, UTSA's open access repository. Information about the submission process and deadlines can be found on the Graduate School's website below.
About UTSA Theses & Dissertations
Timeframe | Format | Where to Find |
1974 - 2013 |
Hard copy in Library Quick Search
Library Quick Search |
1996 - current
2014 - current |
Online in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses for UTSA users only
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
2010 - current
Online in Runner Research Press
Contact the Scholarly Communication Librarian for assistance locating a UTSA theses or dissertation.
Explore these resources to find UTSA theses and dissertations:
- Advanced Library Quick SearchA discovery tool that searches print and electronic UTSA dissertations and theses from the catalog, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, and Runner Research Press. Find searching tips below.
- Dissertations & Theses @UTSA (ProQuest) This link opens in a new windowProvides citations and abstracts, as well as full text PDFs to doctoral dissertations and master's theses authored by students at UTSA. Abstracts and full-image PDFs are available for most titles. Coverage is from 1996 to the present.
- UTSA Theses and Dissertations @Runner Research PressElectronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) authored by UTSA students. Comprehensive coverage 2014 - current. Some open access with author permission (2014-2023). Since Fall 2023, all UTSA ETDs are open access, with embargo options
Find UTSA Theses and Dissertations in Library Quick Search
Search for All UTSA Theses and Dissertations
You may use Library Quick Search to find both print and electronic UTSA theses and dissertations from the Catalog, ProQuest Dissertations database and Runner Research Press.
Select the following:
- Search for: Catalog
- Any Field - Contains - "university of texas at san antonio" [in quotation marks]
- Material Type - Equals - Dissertations
To limit your search to only items that are available in print or electronically, use the "Refine Your Search" option on the left of the search results:
Because electronic theses and dissertations are available in different places (including Runner Research Press and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database), you may see duplicate results for the same title.
In addition to searching all theses and dissertations, you can also further target your search.
Search by Author or Title
To search for a thesis or dissertation by a particular person or by a known title:
- Author - Contains - [author name] AND Material Type - Equals - Dissertations
- Title - Contains - [title name] AND Material Type - Equals - Dissertations
If you are not sure about the exact title, try searching by topic.
Search by Topic
To search for theses and dissertations on a particular topic:
- Any Field - Contains - "university of texas at san antonio" [in quotation marks] AND Any Field - Contains - [subject area or department name ] AND Material Type - Equals - Dissertations
- If needed, add additional rows for Any Field - Contains - [keywords]
We occasionally purchase theses and dissertations from other institutions that are of interest to our patrons. These items are cataloged and classified by subject, and are therefore intermingled in the stacks. Searching Catalog will retrieve these items as well.