Art and History of Colonial Latin America

A guide to primary and secondary sources in books, databases, and online archives.

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Search Terms That Work

Name of artist... for example:
"juan rodriguez juarez"
"albert eckhout"

Name of a codex or chronicle... for example:

Name of a place... for example:

Name of a work... (it should be something unique) for example:
Mulatto Gentlemen of Esmeraldas
Virgin of Guadalupe

Topic / Subject... You may need to use broader terms or narrow terms....for example:
art colonial latin america
art colonial new spain
art colonial spanish america
art colonial mexico
art colonial peru
painting colonial latin america
painting colonial south america
painting latin american 16th century
painting latin american 17th century
slave portraits latin america
casta or castas
manuscripts mexico
manuscripts spanish america
christian art and symbolism south america