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In order to earn this badge, you must complete the following steps:
1. Complete the quiz below (you can re-take it as many times as you need until you get all the answers correct). When you're finished with the quiz, download the Certificate of Completion. The percentage displayed in the certificate might not be correct - and that is OK! You will not be able to download it until you get all the questions right.
2. Read the following summary of a real-life fair use case. Using the Four Factor checklist, make a determination on this case. Is it fair use? Write up a summary (2-3 paragraphs) of your decision and reasoning, highlighting the specific factors that led you to make your decision. Don't Google!
3. Email your certificate and summary to with the subject line "Copyright Badge." Include your full name, UTSA email address, and abc123. We will provide you with feedback and the real-life judge’s decision once we receive your summary.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!
- Four Factor ChecklistDownload an editable copy of the Four Factor checklist to use for an upcoming activity and your own work.
Katz v. Google Summary
Raanan Katz (plantiff) holds the copyright to a candid photograph of himself. The photograph was originally published in an Israeli newspaper and Katz acquired the copyright from the original copyright owner after its publication.
Irina Chevaldina (defendent) copied the photo into several scathing blog posts she wrote criticizing Katz and his business practices. Chevaldina reproduced the photo in her blog posts in its unaltered, original state as well as accompanied by sharply worded captions and mocking cartoons.
Chevaldina made no money from her use of the photo. Katz acquired the copyright of the photograph with the intent to prevent its publication. Katz contends that Chevladina’s use of the photograph is a violation of copyright. Chevaldina argues her use is a fair use and she did not violate Katz’s copyright.
The Photograph